What we Offer

If we get farmers out of poverty while generating attractive financial returns, we can scale up far more than if we must indefinitely rely on philanthropic subsidies.

Modern farming practices

We provide training to smallholder farmers on modern farming practices to enable them produce more with little resources available to them.

Mobile phone supported platform

We provide an interactive mobile phone supported platform where farmers can access and share agricultural related information and learn from other farmers.

Train farmers on financial management and leadership skills

We train farmers on financial management and leadership skills to enable them to plan and budget well for their finances.

help to local farmers

We help farmers access local markets cheaply for their agricultural products.

Call To Action

Improve the living standards of the common farmers

Call To Action


Shamba project focuses on improving the welfare of smallholder farmers. We have the moral duty to provide tailor made services to our farmers without favouritism. We respect our farmers' sovereignty, confidentiality, and their right to informed consent. We treat them with total dignity, and with due respect for their cultural and religious beliefs
